UMI-2000: PFAS Treatment with Activated Carbon Adsorbers/Filter-Vessels/Contactors/Columns


Activated Carbon Adsorber Drums


The VFD-55 is our standard 55 gallon drum adsorber for vapor phase applications, SVE Systems, Odor Control, Air Stripper Off-gas Treatment, Storage Tank Purge, Pilot Study etc. Adsorber Drums are also called Canisters or Barrels. They are filled with coal 4x8 mesh Granular Activated Carbon or 4mm Pellet (EAC) Extruded Activated Carbon. Our AFD-55 are for liquid phase applications like removing PFAS compounds from drinking water. Typical effluent concentrations are non-detectable, using Coal GAC 400 Re-agglomerated Granular Activated Carbon. Call for a delivered price quotation for VFD-55 vapor phase activated carbon adsorber drums or AFD-55 liquid phase adsorber drums. CALL NOW 530-491-4881
United Manufacturing International 2000 employs Activated Carbon Adsorption Filter Vessels, Contactors, Columns, Cannisters, Barrels & Drums to remove synthetic organic chemicals (SOC) from drinking water with Coal GAC 400 12x40 mesh Granular Activated Carbon.

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